Wow! this project was amazing. The project was to make a holiday-related piece of artwork in Python Turtle. I made a Christmas tree. There were many ups and downs but more positives.
The first step was to make the tree. I found that relatively easy. Then I decided to add “Merry Christmas”. I had gotten the turtle. write commands correctly but I wanted to change the color. I finally figured out after many struggles the code for the font color. It was turtle.fill color.
I had some extra time so I decided to add light to the trees. My original plan was string lights along the whole tree but then changed it. I struggle a little bit on it and i made round lights in circles on the entire tree.
I am really proud of the way it turned out and I enjoyed working with Python if this was the last.
Well. Random maze. We had to make our turtle go from the beginning to the end of the maze, but it changed every time. I did not succeed. I used random blocks, goto to make it random. I was able to get 2 lines but I had to get a few more before I could repeat my code. I used random codes but then divided by two. The beginning of the project was a mess. I couldn’t get anywhere and I had to keep deleting my code. I tried bouncing back but it didn’t work. But eventually, I got the idea.
I had gotten it to work but then I had to add forward command. It was towards then end of class but I wasn’t able to make the tweak. This challenge was a good one. It was tough but when we went over the answers I got a sense of what I was doing wrong.
In my Python with Turtle project, I had multiple different turtle race each other. The final product turned out to be amazing. A few things that I struggled with was the “xcor” part which would make the code break when it would pass a certain spot. The problem was it would be moving by different numbers so if it didn’t hit 300 exactly the code would keep running. I got a greater than a symbol, put it into my code, and my issue was resolved.
Things that I did well was the random part and making the winner write a special message stating that they won. At first, I used a plain Arial font but then I realized that I could change that, so I changed the font to a better-looking one.
This project has made me understand Python and how to use it. This project has better prepared me for the big challenge of getting through a maze that changes every time.
In my Inspired Artwork, I had started with only one project that I was inspired by. It turned into three. The first one that I was inspired by was the Dandelion. I liked the way it had the gradients and the lines all in circles. I changed it into triangles. I tried to do the gradients but I had run into a few hindrances. When I tried to fill in my triangles with a gradient, it would only fill with a solid. I asked for help and Mr. Dembo told me that I need to make a triangle in a pyramid shape in order to make a gradient. I tried it and was still confused. I wanted to give up but part of me told me not to just give up. So I changed my gradient design into a background.
My background was inspired by Genie and Rainbow. I was inspired by the Genie artwork because it filled the whole background and I like the texture and style. I was also inspired by the Rainbow artwork because of the colors. I liked the rainbow theme, so I implemented it in my background.
After I had made the decision to make a gradient background and not the triangles, I made sure that they were still filled. I learned how to use the fill code and boxes. With the boxes, I was able to make the triangles alternate colors while still going in a circle.
One thing i I acceded at in this project was action blocks. Instead of making one big code i separated my codes into different subjects and made them action blocks. Action blocks are a cleaner, easier and more efficient way to manage your code. Each circle triangle and the background was all different action blocks.
To the right i all my codes minimized into one little start block. Everything on the left is the code in my action block.
There were many ups and downs in this project. Frustrated moments but I am happy on my final product. I am also proud of giving myself a challenge and overcoming it.
As one of our harder projects, our task was to make our name in Turtle Art. I had many struggles. The main struggle was figuring out my first letter, the S. Once I got this S things smoothed up. My problem was trying to get the letter to go the right way. Something that I exceeded at was the action blocks. I found that easy and made my whole code a lot more organized. Here is my final product: . Overall I thought my name turned out amazing.
Hello, My name is Sohan Yousfi. Currently, I am a seventh-grader at Quest Academy. I have one brother and zero sisters. Currently, my brother is in fourth grade.
Favorite sports
My favorite sport is tennis. I play Tournaments almost every weekend. I love watching and playing tennis or any other sport. I have won a few Tennis tournaments.
My Favorite Hobbies
Some of my favorite hobbies are playing the piano and laying with friends. In piano, I have been in a few recitals. My main Piano accomplishments are my competitions. I have done some duets and competitions on my own. I have gotten gold medals on many of them. I have been doing competitions for almost 6 years.
This is My code and result on my first turtle Project
On my first project, I decided to make the pen size bigger and make triangles into a circle. Something I did well was making the pen size bigger and bigger every time. Something that I was trying to get all the triangles to make a circle. Eventually, I got it with the help of Mr. Dembo. The other thing that I succeeded with was changing the colors. I was able to change it every time it made another triangle. It looks very cool, especially for my first project.