All About Sohan Yousfi

Hello, My name is Sohan Yousfi. Currently, I am a seventh-grader at Quest Academy. I have one brother and zero sisters. Currently, my brother is in fourth grade.

Favorite sports

My favorite sport is tennis. I play Tournaments almost every weekend. I love watching and playing tennis or any other sport. I have won a few Tennis tournaments.

My Favorite Hobbies

Some of my favorite hobbies are playing the piano and laying with friends. In piano, I have been in a few recitals. My main Piano accomplishments are my competitions. I have done some duets and competitions on my own. I have gotten gold medals on many of them. I have been doing competitions for almost 6 years.

My First Turtle Art

This is My code and result on my first turtle Project

On my first project, I decided to make the pen size bigger and make triangles into a circle. Something I did well was making the pen size bigger and bigger every time. Something that I was trying to get all the triangles to make a circle. Eventually, I got it with the help of Mr. Dembo. The other thing that I succeeded with was changing the colors. I was able to change it every time it made another triangle. It looks very cool, especially for my first project.